Jan 5, 2011

here i am!

New Years Resolution #1: be a better blogger.
I could make lots of excuses. Example: busy with the holidays, traveling, being pregnant.
But really I've just been a bit lazy.  
I've also been surfing the web like crazy reading blogs and looking at all things baby related (toys, clothes, nurseries, etc).
Jake and I have so much to do and I'm already (just about) half way through the pregnancy.
Since I'm so behind, here are a few pics from the past couple of months:

haha, Jake grew a mustache for the month of November. handsome, huh? Happy 29th Birthday Jake!
looking very poufy and poodle-like and in the holiday spirit!

modeling my new Christmas gift from Jake
St. Louis arch
us inside the arch
touring the Cardinal stadium in the cold.  guess whose idea that was?

us and Grandpa Lewis

Christmas pictures and baby posts coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics! Jake no more stach for you! ;) Love love love the belly bump Summer! :)


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